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Special Issue:
"Rain sensors"
Guest Editors:
Prof. Filippo Giannetti
Prof. Luca G. Lanza

Deadline for manuscript submissions:
30 September 2021

Flyer .pdf

Special Issue:
"Precipitation Measurement Instruments: Calibration, Accuracy and Performance"
Guess Editor:
Prof. Luca G. Lanza
Deadline for manuscript submissions:
30 September 2020

New publication:
Caloiero et al. (2020)
A Homogeneous Dataset for Rainfall Trend Analysis in the Calabria Region (Southern Italy).
Water, 12, 2541.

New publication:
Adirosi et al. (2020)
Rainfall and DSD parameters comparison between micro rain radar, two-dimensional video and PARSIVEL2 disdrometers, and S-band dual-polarization radar.
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Thechnology, 37 (4), pages 621-640.

New publication:
Ravazzani et al. (2020)
Wind speed interpolation for evapotranspiration assessment in complex topography area.
Bulletin of Atmospheric Science and Technology, 1, pages 13-22.

New publication:
Cauteruccio et al. (2020)
The role of free-stream turbulence in attenuating the wind updraft above the collector of precipitation gauges.
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Thechnology, 37, pages 103-113.

V meeting - Palermo, DICAM - University of Palermo

IV meeting - Cosenza, CNR-ISAFOM

Field calibration of ARPA Lombardia rain gauges in the Seveso river catchment.

Visit to the WMO/CIMO Field Test of the Lead Centre on Precipitation Intensity in Vigna di Valle

II meeting - Roma, CNR

Kick-off meeting - Genova



Journals (peer reviewed)

Cauteruccio A., Chinchella E., Stagnaro M. and Lanza L.G. (2021).
Snow Particle Collection Efficiency and Adjustment Curves for the Hotplate© precipitation Gauge..
Journal of Hydrometeorology, 22 (4), 941-954. (Online pdf)

Caloiero T. Felice E., Cosciarelli R. and Pellicone G. (2020)
A Homogeneous Dataset for Rainfall Trend Analysis in the Calabria Region (Southern Italy).
Water, 12, 2541. (Online)

Adirosi E., Baldini L., and Tokay A. (2020).
Rainfall and DSD parameters comparison between micro rain radar, two-dimensional video and PARSIVEL2 disdrometers, and S-band dual-polarization radar..
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Thechnology, 37 (4), pages 621-640. (Online)

Ravazzani G., Ceppi A. and Davolio S. (2020).
Wind speed interpolation for evapotranspiration assessment in complex topography area..
Bulletin of Atmospheric Science and Technology, 1, pages 13-22. (Download .pdf)

Cauteruccio A., Colli M., Freda A., Stagnaro M. and Lanza L.G. (2020).
The role of free-stream turbulence in attenuating the wind updraft above the collector of precipitation gauges.
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Thechnology, 37 (1), pages 103-113. (download .pdf)

Marra, A. C., Federico S., Montopoli M., Avolio E., Baldini L., Casella D., D’Adderio L.P., Dietrich S., Sanò P., Torcasio R.C. and Panegrossi G. (2019).
The Precipitation Structure of the Mediterranean Tropical-Like Cyclone Numa: Analysis of GPM Observations and NumericalWeather Prediction Model Simulations .
Remote Sensing, 11 (14), 1690. (Online)

Adirosi E., Roberto N., Montopoli M., Gorgucci E. and Baldini L. (2018).
Influence of disdrometer type on weather radar algorithms from measured DSD: Application to Italian climatology. .
Atmosphere, 9 (9), 360. (Online)

Gorgucci E. and Baldini L. (2018).
Performance Evaluations of Rain Microphysical Retrieval Using Gpm Dual-Wavelength Radar by Way of Comparison With the Self-Consistent Numerical Method..
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 56 (10), pages 5705-5716. (Online)

Rysman, J.-F., Panegrossi G., Marra A.C., Dietrich S., Milani L. and Kulie M. (2018).
SLALOM: An all-surface snow water path retrieval algorithm for the GPM Microwave Imgaer..
Remote Sensing, 10 (8), 1278. (Online)

Sanò P., Panegrossi G., Casella D., Marra A.C., D’Adderio L.P., Rysman J.-F. and Dietrich S. (2018).
The Passive Microwave Neural Network Precipitation Retrieval (PNPR) algorithm for the Conical Scanning GMI Radiometer. .
Remote Sensing, 10 (7), 1222. (Online)

Panegrossi G., Rysman J-F., Casella D., Marra A.C., Sanò P. and Kulie M.S. (2017).
CloudSat-based assessment of GPM Microwave Imager snowfall observation capabilities..
Remote Sensing, 9 (12), 1263. (Online)

Conference proceedings:

Arianna Cauteruccio, Matteo Colli, and Luca G. Lanza The role of free-stream turbulence on the collection performance of catching type precipitation gauges (2020). In EGU Geophysical Research Abstracts p. 18366. (Online)

Giovanni Ravazzani, Andrea Roberto Scurati, Mattia Stagnaro, Arianna Cauteruccio, Luca Giovanni Lanza, Matteo Cislaghi, Chiara Rondanini, and Michele Calabrese. A case study of the propagation of precipitation measurement biases into a distributed hydrological model for the Seveso river basin (2020). In EGU Geophysical Research Abstracts p. 9356. (Online)

Angela Candela, Antonio Francipane, Mattia Stagnaro, Arianna Cauteruccio, and Luca Giovanni Lanza. Propagation of precipitation measurement biases into the hydraulic modelling of urban drainage systems – A case study of the Parco D’Orleans sub-urban catchment (2020). In EGU Geophysical Research Abstracts p. 21577. (Online)

Stagnaro, Mattia; Cauteruccio, Arianna; Brambilla, Elia; Lanza, Luca G.; Daniele Rocchi. Capturing the wind-induced rain drop trajectory deviations in dedicated wind-tunnel experiments (2019). In EGU Geophysical Research Abstracts p. 13161.

Cauteruccio, Arianna; Stagnaro, Mattia; Brambilla, Elia; Lanza, Luca G.; Rocchi, Daniele; Zanotti, Alex; Campanardi, Gabriele; Grassi,Donato. Wind-tunnel measurements of the airflow pattern above the collector of different shielded and unshielded precipitation gauges (2019). In EGU Geophysical Research Abstracts p. 13481.

Anna Cinzia Marra, Stefano Federico, Giulia Panegrossi, Daniele Casella, Leo Pio D'Adderio, Stefano Dietrich, Paolo Sanò. Characterization and monitoring of heavy precipitation events in the Mediterranean area: role of the GPM mission. (2019). In EGU Geophysical Research Abstracts p. 9602.

Cauteruccio A., Stagnaro M., Colli M., Freda A. and Lanza L.G. CFD simulations of a kalyx shape rain gauge in a uniform and turbulent wind tunnel environment (2018). XXXVI Convegno Nazionale di Idraulica.

Paolo Sano', Giulia Panegrossi, Daniele Casella, Anna Cinzia Marra, Jean-François Rysman, and Stefano Dietrich. Design and Performances of the Passive Microwave Neural Network Precipitation Retrieval (PNPR) Algorithm for the Conical Scanning GMI Radiometer (2018). EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 20, p. 6469.

PRIN-15 Reconciling Precipitation with Runoff.